3p Beaver, '18' (Kingston) 4-ring cancel, 4 full margins!
$ 169.00
Unitrade 4 Single
3p Beaver, mute cancel, 4 large margins! Superb copy!
$ 235.00
Unitrade 4vii Single
3p Beaver, wove paper, major re-entry (pos 47, pane A), four full margins!!
$ 745.00
Unitrade 14 Single
1c rose, w/full perforations and almost VF. A great copy with a light cancellation.
$ 24.95
Unitrade 14b Single
1c deep rose, full 11¾ perforations. A very scarce shade in excellent condition! Remainder of owner mark on reverse.
$ 99.75
Unitrade 15 Single
5c Beaver with full perforations and almost VF centering! Excellent!
$ 23.95
Unitrade 15 Single
5c Beaver with full perforations and a light cancellation. A very nice copy.
$ 17.50
Unitrade 15 Single
5c Beaver with full perforations (jumbo at top and bottom) and a light 4-ring '7' (Collingwood, RF-4) cancel. Centering is VF for the copy. A very unusual stamp!
$ 37.75
Unitrade 15 Single
5c Beaver with full perforations and a very light cancellation. Lovely!
$ 27.50
Unitrade 15 Single
5c Beaver with full perforations and a light 4-ring '23' (Niagara, RF-4) cancel.
$ 19.75
Unitrade 15 Single
5c Beaver with full perforations and what appears to be a light 4-ring '26' (Owen Sound - RF 6) cancel.
$ 17.75
Unitrade 18 Single
12½c Victoria, yellow-green shade with full perforations. A lovely fault-free stamp.
$ 94.75
Unitrade 18a Single
12½c Victoria, blue-green shade with 11¾ perforations. A beautiful stamp with UR corner perf somewhat short. Lightly cancelled.
$ 109.75
Unitrade 18ii Single
12½c Victoria, green shade. A sound stamp with a light cancel.
$ 39.75
Unitrade 19 Single
14c Cartier with full perforations. A fault-free stamp.
$ 49.75
Unitrade 21 Single
½c Large Queen with grill cancel. All perforations intact, a flawless stamp!
$ 21.75
Unitrade 21vii Single
½c Large Queen with cork cancel on Bothwell paper. All perforations intact, a flawless stamp!
$ 124.75
Unitrade 22 Single
1c brown red Large Queen with pen cancel. A few perfs are a bit shortish, but none are missing.
$ 84.75
Unitrade 22 Single
1c brown red Large Queen with a light cancel. Stamp is very well centered with all perforations intact, and one missing perforation hole at UL. A lovely copy!
$ 109.75
Unitrade 22 Single
1c brown red Large Queen with a light town cancel. Stamp has solid and full perforations, but a slight vertical surface scuff line (not a crease).
$ 67.50
Unitrade 23a Single
1c deep orange Large Queen with full and sharp perforations, just centered a bit to bottom. Flawless!
$ 124.75
Unitrade 23 Single
1c yellow orange Large Queen with a 2-ring '2' cancel (Toronto). Stamp has very good perforations.
$ 29.75
Unitrade 23 Single
1c yellow orange Large Queen with a 2-ring cancel (number not identifiable). While the centering is very fine, there are a couple of shorter perfs showing.
$ 87.50
Unitrade 24 Single
2c green Large Queen with full perforations, lovely centering and a light cancel, but with several light (ironed out) creases in lower right.
$ 34.75
Unitrade 24 Single
2c green Large Queen with full perforations and magnificent centering. On relatively thin paper with little paper texture seen on back.
$ 84.75
Unitrade 25i Single
3c orange red Large Queen with bright appearance and a light grill cancel
$ 17.50
Unitrade 25i Single
3c orange red Large Queen with full perforations and a light, central, target cancel. A fault-free stamp.
$ 10.75
Unitrade 25viii Single
3c red Large Queen on Bothwell paper, with clean, full, perforations. Stamp has a dated cancel (Aug 20, 1869) and is fault-free.
$ 37.75
Unitrade 25viii Single
3c red Large Queen on Bothwell paper, with clean, full, perforations. Just off VF condition. Stamp is lightly cancelled and fault-free.
$ 37.75
Unitrade 25 Single
3c orange red Large Queen with full perforations. A fault-free stamp.
$ 10.75
Unitrade 25 Single
3c red Large Queen with full perforations. A fault-free stamp.
$ 9.75
Unitrade 25 Single
3c red Large Queen with full perforations and in VF condition with a light cancel. A fault-free stamp.
$ 32.75
Unitrade 26 Single
5c olive green Large Queen on Bothwell paper, perf 11½ x 12, all perforations intact. A flawless stamp!
$ 62.75
Unitrade 26 Single
5c olive green Large Queen on Bothwell paper, perf 11½ x 12, all perforations intact and a light, partial, cork cancellation. A flawless stamp!
$ 62.75
Unitrade 27a Single
6c yellow brown Large Queen, with full perforations touching frame at top and a light cancellation. A fault-free stamp.
$ 25.75
Unitrade 27a Single
6c yellow brown Large Queen, with full perforations and a light cancellation. A hint of doubling is noted in the upper right scroll lines. A fault-free stamp.
$ 25.75
Unitrade 27vi Single
6c dark brown on Bothwell paper, a few worn perforations and a light cancel.
$ 47.75
Unitrade 27vi Single
6c dark brown on Bothwell paper, a couple shortish perforations. A sound stamp.
$ 64.75
Unitrade 27 Single
6c dark brown on wove paper, full perforations and a light face-free cancel. A flawless stamp!!
$ 29.75
Unitrade 27 Single
6c dark brown on wove paper with full perforations. Cancellation is a two-ring type with '23' (Woodstock, RF-5). Some light ink staining on back, but a flawless stamp!!
$ 79.50
Unitrade 28 Single
12½c blue Large Queen with full perforations and a light cancel. A light red cancellation is noted as well.
$ 74.75
Unitrade 28 Single
12½c blue Large Queen with full perforations and a light cancel.A flawless stamp.
$ 54.75
Unitrade 28 Single
12½c blue Large Queen with full perforations and a light grid cancel.
$ 54.75
Unitrade 29i Single
15c purple Large Queen with light, dated, cancel. Shorter perfs along right side.
$ 8.75
Unitrade 29i Single
15c purple Large Queen with full perforations. A sound stamp!